AKA "FA" for short - The feeling of receiving a beefy hog in the hind quarters usually from a spouse or co-worker. Despite a valient attempt to accomplish something, the recipient of your good deed is thankless and has the nerve to discredit or disregard your goodwill.
I told the company that we could save money by utilizing my cost cutting measure. Not only did they disregard my effort, they decided to approve the most expensive option on the table. Fucked Again!
by C-dog Nights May 20, 2010
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A term often used by evil villains in cartoons when the super hero would ruin a plan of theirs by destroying a certain machine or revealing to the public the evil master minds' idea.
(Super Fred just blew up Evil Dr. Tims' death ray before Evil Dr. Tim could destroy Peace Town) Evil Dr. Tim screams "Curses, foiled again!"
by Flexco404 January 20, 2011
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Could you please repeat what you just said so I can use it as a pre-text to beat the ever-loving shit out of you?
Her boyfriend said that I looked the kind of guy who would drink a cosmo, to which I replied, "Come again?" and then upended the table and punched him in the forehead.
by fatinspanish March 26, 2007
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To commit shenaniganery more than once; to do a shenanigan again.
Dude #1: That guy totally just tripped his bro into that mud puddle again!
Dude #2: Yeah! That was a total shenan-again!
by J-Fisher April 11, 2010
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1)Sorry; I beg your pardon; what did you just say?

See also say what?
FRIEND: Guess What! On the weekend I ...and...mumble mumble....pink spotty pineapple....

YOU: What the fuck! Come again?
by kt March 27, 2004
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When a black celebrity who used cosmetic procedures to turn white his skin, decides to reverse the process in order to be black again.
Sammy Sosa, Black Again! Skin Reportedly Back To Old Hue.
by rperazag May 12, 2010
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This is the sound you make when you get Rick rolled for the 30 millionth time.
by ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ January 29, 2022
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