A cross between boss and awesome. Coined by a student at Inglemoor High School.
-DUDE! NPH is so bossome.

-My friend gave me a stegasaurus for my birthday. It was bossome.
by linusandlucy September 27, 2010
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Bossome is a mixture of the word bomb and awesome. It's better than wicked or tight because it's bossome yo.
Dang that cake was totally bossome!
by andr3a October 29, 2007
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A word Robin admittedly took from Alex using psychic powers, schwang!
Holy shit, that's bossome!
by chic geek August 20, 2003
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Medieval version of "Ayy wanna fuck".
A fine statement only for the finest medieval fuckboys.
Fuckboy 1: "Send thou bossoms..."

Fuckboy 2: "Yes!"
Fuckboy 1: "I don't what an emoji is, but we should send one."

Fuckboy 2: "Yes... Smiley face..."
by East hills come back to school February 11, 2022
When something is so awesome and boss at the same time
Oh my gosh bruh that party was bossome sauce!
by EpicLolly36 June 15, 2021
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When somone is simuletaniously a boss and awesome at the same time.
Dude, I didnt ecpect Lindsey to be so Bossome today.
by Marzuzu January 21, 2011
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The act of saying an object is utterly cool (boss) & awesome.
Dude, you see that game last night?
Yea! That was Bossome!
by JDeeBee February 21, 2011
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