An amazing girl who is obsessed with musical theater and especially Fiona Apple. She has an astonishing sense of style and an impressive voice. She most of the time loves cats but she does not discriminate against dogs. She does happen to cry a lot, but is one of the kindest people you will literally ever meet. Also, she is extremely extroverted, impulsive, and sometimes talks way to fast. It is very easy to make an Adelaide excited or laugh. If given the opportunity to, she will give a full on broadway performance in a heartbeat. In addition to that, she is an extreme over-dresser
I can’t believe she impulsively bought Fiona Apple tickets, such an Adelaide.”
by YassQueenSlayHuntyMama March 24, 2022
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1. a city in Australia

2. a girl,"addies", these girls tend to be very funny and nice, they are awesome and great lovers, capable of greatness an Adelaides are great friends and shouldn't be rejected, or disrespected
1. i have a house in adelaide and its really hot

2. addie is a beast, and she is really smart!!
by riffehunter December 8, 2011
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Adelaide is usually very sweet to anyone she meets. Sometimes she can lose her temper very easily, but other than that she’s pretty calm and down to earth. She isn’t the most social person ever but does talk to quite a few people. She’s very beautiful and a great friend. She may act pretty insane sometimes, but she’ll always be there to help you.
“Adelaide is an amazing friend. I wouldn’t replace her with anyone.”
by Dodecsexual May 6, 2019
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A popular place where elephants/has-beens go to die. Also known for it's high hobo population and balls.
"Have you been to Adelaide?"
"No, have you?"
by adelaideman February 2, 2009
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A small-ish town in South Australia. Awesome place. Great beaches. Home to Farmer's Union Iced Coffee - the best iced coffee ever - and Fruchocs! On Saturday nights you can see our famous Aboriginal hula hoopist wearing a leotard on the sidewalk in Hindley Street as long as you don't get murdered or started on on the way there. Hq and Electrics play awesome dance/techno music, gotta get past the dickhead bouncers and the slutty door girls first though! You won't really fit in unless you're on a bender.. but it's Adelaide.. not too hard to join in that fun! Just look for anyone wearing a fluro shirt or sunglasses!! Adelaideeeeee is the best!!!
"travis, im in adelaide.. how do I make friends?"
"Just chuck on a fluro shirt, some sunnies and grab a few eccies and ull fit in in no time!!"
by adelaide rox! September 10, 2008
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Conservative? Approximately 24% of Adelaide's population expresses no religious affiliation unlike the other cities where 18% is the average.

As Tony abbot's daughter would say ''you gay, lame, churchy losers''
by prelude_ August 22, 2009
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The capital city of South Australia, Australia. Although it is quite a beautiful, clean and well laid out city, it also has its share of problems. It is sometimes criticised by people in other Australian capital cities for being conservative, narrow minded and racist. Indeed recent analysis via the electoral roll (2005) has proven that the ethnic population (asians, europeans etc) is declining and the anglo saxon population is increasing. Also the place where the derogatory term wogans originated, doing nothing to help its racist reputation. People who live in Adelaide tend to like it because it is a city, but at the same time quiet and small and it is not difficult to know what is going on eveywhere. Most people tend to fit into a certain mould and it is more anglo-saxon orientated than Australias largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne. But it is for these same reasons that there is a youth population drain to the other cities of Australia, and in a study completed in 2006 it was found that South Australia's population had the highest average age of any Australian state or territory. Adelaide is also well known Australia wide for its large marijuana and methylamphetamine speed production, and both marijuana and methamphetamine use per capita is very high. Independant reports have even suggested that Adelaides closet marijuana industry generates more revenue for the state than its famous wine industry. In late 2005/2006, investigations by the Northern Territiry government and police into drug abuse in remote northern indigenous communities found that the majority of drugs were smuggled across the border from Adelaide some 3000 kilometers away, backing up similar drug intelligence findings from other Australian states.
eg 1; Im moving to Melbourne.

eg 2; There are too many bogans, rednecks, stoners and meth freaks in Adelaide.
by sexi boi February 7, 2006
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