Guy: "Man, she was an easy lay."

Dude: "I heard she was an exhibitionist. Where'd you go?"

Guy: "We went to the Beach at midnight."

Dude: "Ah. I figured she was a sand wench."
by Korgihl December 16, 2012
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Journalist, reporter, editor, pagenator, news photographer
The news wenches wont stop harassing the serial killers wife for intimate details about their marriage.

I got in a car accident today and within 15 minutes the news wench showed up to take photos of the carnage.
by vixeyg April 26, 2011
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Eg boondocks , song by Gangstalicious ,hommies ova hoes , in shakesperean english 'brethren over wenches'
by Yellowman October 7, 2013
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Ladies that line up to bring a dude soup when he's sick.
"I got the covid but I'm ok. Got some soup wenches bringing me supplies."
by OMGDOGSONFIRE! July 6, 2023
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Adj. A servile, preferably Italian mistress whose duties include noodle slurping, dough pulling, flour sprinkling, and pasta machine cranking.
“Noodle Wench! Crank my moist dough, PRONTO! Mama Mia!”
by SoggyNoodle69 June 5, 2023
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A girl who wants him so much when his ex girlfriend leaves
Penny is dans wench she only got dan cause leeann doesn’t want him
by Whitelines84 July 12, 2018
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