Emma Lindsey Is a short childish person. They have no respec whatsoever and feel like doing whatever they want. they are usually very short.
A good example is "Eww, that girl is a Emma Lindsey.
by gisggyTwicth February 7, 2022
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Emma Grenz is a beautiful girl, one of the best volleyball player. And she is frikking AWESOME. She knows how to make her friends laugh and she is really smart.
Emma Grenz
by Wild Wings April 29, 2018
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a woman who lies about her age, trying to appear substantially younger. Her age, however, is given away by the presence of sagging breasts, bingo wings and wrinkles
I can't believe that she is only x she must be the emma collins of the group
by ana_ono_mus October 14, 2011
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Two people who look cute together and everyone thinks so, but never get together because of mixed signals.
Kenadi: y'all look so cute together!!

Emma: yeah but it would never happen
Kids: judah and emma look so cute too bad they aren't together
Andrew: Just date her dude yall would be like us
Judah: idk man im not so sure about it.
by era777 January 16, 2023
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