A term used to describe the sexual act undercover lesbians partake in behind their boyfriend’s back. When one scummy butch vagina wraps it’s creamy lips around another secret lesbians crotch flaps and with deep quiet panting produces a creamy smear similar to the filling of an Oreo cookie. Beware: these movements may produce a slight “pbbbfft” noise and may smell similar to opening a fresh jar of pickles.
“Yo have you seen Brae lately? Yeah last I heard she was sucking D for heroin and smearing cookies with that gypsy chick behind the dumpster at Circle K in Fountain Hills
by Phil Shtick May 23, 2018
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Kind of similar to tea bagging but when the ho Smears her just fucked wet vag all over his face.
Dude! I tried to tea bag this bitch I just fucked, but Fiona turned around and clear smeared my face instead.
by Seda18 January 17, 2019
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the act of popping pimples or blackheads, and then proceed to smear it on a wall or mirror.
louis's mom: what are all these things all over the wall?
louis: relax mom, i pulled a pop-n-smear.
by aamandakocsiss January 25, 2020
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(1) A public sullying of an innocent dude's name/reputation by falsely claiming that he is the father of your love-baby.
(2) A drop of blood or a cheek-swabbing that's applied to a glass lab-specimen-slide in preparation for a paternity-test. Often a follow-up action that's prompted by Definition #1.
A sneaky new way for a crooked doctor to generate extra income during "slow periods of business" is to solicit one or more local unwed mothers to involve a fairly-well-off bachelor in a Pap smear, so that said unfortunate dude will be obliged to hire said doctor to perform a paternity-test to clear his name.
by QuacksO June 30, 2018
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The Papanicolaou test is a method of cervical screening used to detect potentially precancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix. Abnormal findings are often followed up by more sensitive diagnostic procedures and if warranted, interventions that aim to prevent progression to cervical cance
Jane had to get a Pap smear when she was at the gynecologist
by Heyitsj000 April 9, 2019
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This is what happens when you roll over in bed using your elbows and accidentally crush your side-sleeping partner’s nipple between your elbow and the mattress. Generally makes said partner very very angry.
Faaaaark- you just gave me a nipple smear!!
by Smartmouth78 July 18, 2019
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an insult that can be used to define someone so useless, so boring, and such a waste of sperm that they can be considered a mere smear on the fabric of reality.
Person 1: wow fortnite is so much better than minecraft!

Person 2: You universal Smear.
by thingmaker February 17, 2022
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