the act of vomiting on a penis then preforming a blowjob on the vomit-covered-dick.
"I gave her the arkansas burrito last night"
"what the fuck dude"
by natbutter July 29, 2021
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When you fuck your cousin and ur sister in a 1977 impala and down a whole bottle of motor fuel down both females vaginal entries and snorkel the fuel out with half a straw and the right side of your tongue.
"Heh.. hey cletus what did u think of dirty arkansas I pulled on missy last night."
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The act of shitting in your lady friend’s vagina while simultaneously packing Fritos up her poop chute. Once complete, enjoy.

Not to be confused with the alabama hot pocket.
Darlene gave me that look last night before bed, had to give her the ole Arkansas Chili Pie.
by theyeetman February 16, 2019
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A place of high class and style. It has many attractions such as a dollar general and occasional midget wrestling. The local dairy farm is owned by a very powerful and respected family. The best breakfast in the world can be found at Hank's Cafe. It has a population of around 3,000 people.
James- Hey man lets go to Ward Arkansas today?

Matt- No, I brushed my teeth yesterday.
by fireybritches117 March 26, 2009
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The act of deceiving another driver, by slowing down when approaching the other vehicle. Then waiving or even smiling at the other vehicle driver to make them assume you are giving them the right of way. Then BOOM, you speed off leaving them confused.
I'm going to let that nice old lady back out of her parking spot, WRONG.... you ain't getting in front of me gramps, you just tasted the Arkansas shuffle.
by Sgtbiddyboom June 30, 2023
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Arkansas guys are clueless when it comes to relationships and are crazy when they hangout with each other. They are most of the time book smart but not smart with life choices. They are strong physically but not so much mentally. But overall they are truly people you want in your life!
You Arkansas guys are crazy.
by Lovely crazy April 21, 2019
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The Arkansas Omelette is the act of propping your girls ass open with a retractor, bending over with her forehead to the floor. Meanwhile, the dude cracks two raw eggs in there and the other ingredients to an omelet and he whips it up with a whisk (inside her) she tips over and lets it come out, she cooks it and they enjoy breakfast together.
Some freak offered Mindy $5000 for an Arkansas Omelette.
by Mega Hemroids July 23, 2023
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