Someone who eats every food with bread.
Me: Stop being such a doodip dude
Him/Her: I just like bread
Me: But you eat it with ice cream
Him/Her: Good point
by tRigeL February 18, 2022
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1 This can mean someone who is ready and fully equipped for the occasion or, to the contrast, 2 it can mean someone is totally out of their mental capacity.

3 When talking about a car or something similar it is to indicate that it is completely upgraded or modified or just generally badass.

4 It can also be a person who is so over prepared it is to the point that it is humorous.
1 Hank is fully duded out for the zombie apocalypse, if something happens we call him.

2 That guy came around the corner fully duded out, I don't think he knows where he is.

3 That fucking car was fully duded out! Did you see the paint job on that thing?

4 why did you show up here all fully duded out? I just need you to hold the flashlight.
by Dutch Thompinson May 23, 2020
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Dude green is a rare member of the Land. It’s it’s rumored that that dude green doesn’t smoke. Dude green always looks out for his bros
I wish my bro was a dude green
by Green2123 September 30, 2019
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When a girl has A LOT of facial hair and arm hair, so it makes them look like a man,
Eww Dude, She had a a hairier mustache than you"."Aww Dude, she Is a HairyChicked Dude
by DinoRawwr March 7, 2011
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The act of being a former youtube star who died on the western front in 1654 known mainly for his large use of discord, as well as his bitter rivalry with DukeOfCheese, who betrayed him for the French Army in the October Revolution.
Damn, that's a bit of a duck dude moment
by genghis_khan May 29, 2022
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Using Ranch Dressing to aid one in fondling one's genitals, or those of someone else, to cause sexual pleasure.
My dudes and I were "dude ranching" with delight all night, but we didn't have time to clean up the ranch or get dressed before my parent came home from the opera.
by DudeRanchIT February 26, 2023
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