It is when you fart really loud in class, and in order to save yourself the embarrassment, you look at the conveniently placed special ed kid a few seats away from you as if he did it. In all it is a win-win situation, you get to defer the blame on that impressive poot, while your mentally and physically challenged peer a few seats down gets sympathy. You aren't a bad person? Right? Riiight..?
"Dude my mom still sent me to school while I was recovering from the stomach flu. I had to keep passing the gas to that kid who always sprints to lunch so nobody would think it was me."
by ImJustItalian2839 September 21, 2021
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A cute/ sarcastic name for a guy's beer belly
Woman: I like your beer belly, let's go get a beer some time?
Man: lol, beer makes you gain weight; it's not a beer belly, it's my gas tank for a sex machine
Woman: lol, I didn't know such machines, or their gas tanks, existed.
by Sexydimma September 17, 2016
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“Odneo ga Kivanok” is a phrase used in serbian slang which has two meanings
1) To pass out from alchohol
2)To die from alchohol complications
1)”Gde je Djole?”

On je u Toletu brate, Odneo ga Kivanok
2)”Tata, kako je deda umro?”
“Sine, njega je odneo Kivanok pre puno godina
by despacito666minecarft July 23, 2023
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A used condom that is left at a gas station preferably found in the bathroom
Man 1 “Ay I tried a gas station gogurt and I think I have hemorrhoids and aids.”

Man 2 “yeah those outta fuck you up if you don’t prepare them right.”
by Broski119 April 21, 2023
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