A slur used to describe transgender individuals. Most often referring to all individuals within the community but it can be used to describe a single individual.
I hate these transformers and their pronouns
by NymPseudoAight March 31, 2023
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You have come out to your parents. They have become transformers
Parents: I love my son so much.
Didn’t you have a daughter?
Parents: No we are a transformers
by Sucmygayas September 12, 2020
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ahh, that's a transformer u didnt know, look are her adams apple
by ZINKONE April 12, 2023
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It is when you de-transition, you are going back to your former.
" Did you know tom, I mean Sam, is a transformer"
by Razorscooter420 December 8, 2022
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ME YOU DUMB ASS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaxon: "Hey who are you?"
Me: "I'M A TRANSFORMER BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!"
by fucked ya dad June 23, 2021
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A woman or man who thrives to be the opposite gender. This switching their appearance and life style to them be made fun of by the cotholic church. Transformers are in facts called this because they are good at changing their gender on the out side.

Also male transformers to form into females usually have the largest cocks.

And women transformers tend to look ugly as all hell.

Transformers decisions are also frouned apon my the strait people.
Damn that was a fucking transformer. That got me good I though he was and actual woman.
by I’m a cow December 8, 2019
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