Slap and grab your girlfriend’s ass so hard she passes out and goes unconscious
Girl: (walking)
Boy:(slaps and grabs ass)
Girl: ahhhhh (passes out)
Witness: oh my god why’d you do that!
Boy: duh it’s October 31.
Witness: oh yeah I forget (slaps unconscious girls ass)
by Analsniffer69 October 31, 2019
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The day you sacrifice your short friend to the Gods. In reward you’ll get those cookies you got in elementary school- kill all short people 2020
“hey, what type of meat is this? it doesn’t taste normal”
“oh just a short person, it was October 31st yesterday”
by ohnothatscool October 30, 2020
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People who are born in October 31st are the most loyal, athletic, but also judged a lot because it’s the “devils birthday.” They are all most likely to die for anyone, even if they hate the person to death.
“Hey is your birthday on Halloween, (October 31st?)
“Yeah, why?”
“Cause you’re so loyal!”
by ThatOneWeirdoLol January 24, 2020
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Its halloween but since you pressed this then um its uhm OH IK, its smack a random kid behind the head day
You- Hey bro you know what today is
Random kid- Yea its hallo-
You- NO its smack a kid over the head day sMacK
Random kid- Ow
You- October 31st is the best now
by Haha you go brr October 16, 2020
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It’s Halloween dub shit.... and also kiss you bf/gf! 🤭🤭👍
It’s October 31... Hey bitch get over here so I can kiss you 😘
by 😂😘☀️🤭 October 30, 2019
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If you were born there you are a complete devil if u think your an angel wEelLll youR nOt
John: why you dressing up as a devil

Mia: because I was born October 31
by MyStinkubreath October 29, 2019
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