A term used by monolingual people to refer to users on the internet with japanese, chinese, or korean names.
Monolingual person: Who's joe?
亚洲人:joe mama
Monolignual person:Haha good one asian letters
by Willlllllllllllllllllliam September 30, 2022
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When the receiving party in bukkake does not wash off the ejaculate and instead allows it to dry - this culminates in an Asian crumble.
He invited his friend round to his flat where they discussed the rejuvenative benefits of an Asian crumble.
by Chicken skewer March 6, 2018
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The phenomenon of micro-naps in public places, prominent among high-achieving, over-worked, asian americans.
-"Did you see that trombonist sleeping on stage during the band concert?"
-"Yeah, that was some crazy asian hibernation."
by real_name_taken August 20, 2015
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A boy, who likes nature, is beri tall, and sexy. And asian (in this case Korean). He likes to draw and has a perfect smile. An asian house martin is also a bird, a very cool bird.
look, a cute bird. no, the cutest bird, an Asian Martin
Look that weird asian shark loving very tall boi. Oh, hi, Martin!
by martinOS December 31, 2019
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October 26th is National Fuck an Asian day, be it your girlfriend/boyfriend or fuck buddy. As it is the day, if they are Asian they must comply or be banished form society and never get to ride that dick ever again.
Dude, I was in South Korea for National Fuck a Asian day and now I have like twenty STDs! Bro lucky!
by E1M1 October 22, 2020
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Successfully weaving or navigating through individual or groups of Asians who are not attentive to surroundings, personal spaces, or the speed limit. Alt: the act of driving in California.
I ended up playing Asian Pinball again this morning on the way to work when the first 3 cars I passed going under the speed limit on the 101 were being driven by Asians.
by Spicy Green Chile January 7, 2015
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when youre running around the mall and shitting everywhere but cant control the stream that is coming out of dat booty. but then it stops and you get abducted by chinese dragons. and then the dragons buy you stomach juice at walmart.
guy1 - what did you do last night?
guy2 - i was just boolin like a straight white asian alien walmart employee
by booty42069 April 24, 2018
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