When a person begins doing hard drugs without smoking weed beforehand as a gateway. Often done by people that do not realize all drugs are not the same level of bad. Considered very rare.
Man, my cuz is only 11 and I caught him Hopping the Gate with some coke last week.
by Peter_Wiggins March 26, 2011
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A drinking game in which you have four beers and four joints. It is then your job to finish all of the joints and beers while alternating between the two.
Let’s do the misty mountain hop tonight. I got beat by my dad last night and I’m trying to forget about it for a little.
by Gary.. May 29, 2018
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"Tara went from Allajah to Zion to Lamar then to Daylon and then to Dj and now Gavin....shes brother hopping"
by NorthInUrShorts December 22, 2016
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A saying which represents someone who wishes to cease be spoken about.
George: "yo, did you hear what andrew said???"
Andrew: "ay nigga hop off my meat"
george: "my fault og"
by hop off my meat March 1, 2023
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A slang for actually wanting to watch the 2016 Japanese kaiju movie 'Shin Godzilla' シン・ゴジラ - Shin Gojira , disguising it as wanting to play the 2020 VR ghost hunting video game Phasmophobia.
by rajangfan1996 February 14, 2021
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1. verb: the act of vigorously rubbing yourself up and down a female, particularly near or on her no-no parts

2. verb: to go from one Grinders restaurant to another while staying at each restaurant for no longer than 1.5 hours
1. I am going to go grinder hopping on Amanda's inner thigh after work.

2. I'm hungry. Let's go grinder hopping for lunch.
by ricktheruler48 February 22, 2012
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A place where the only form of sex is through anal. Once someone says this to you there’s no way out of it
by WhoZ July 19, 2022
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