a total douchebag who thinks people like him but is actually just a gay fag who won't come out of the closet yet; stupid; gay.
wow, that guy is such a ricky peterson!
by hellohi6997 November 20, 2010
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To abandon a reasonably successful academic career in order to pursue a life of quackery and sophistry (as exemplified by Canadian psychologist Jordan B. Peterson).
To abandon a reasonably successful academic career in order to pursue a life of quackery and sophistry (as exemplified by Canadian psychologist Jordan B. Peterson).

Giving lectures and grading papers is so frustrating, sometimes I just want to peterson out.

- Is Dr. Jones still working on the bovine flu virus sequencing project?
- No, she petersoned out a few months ago and wrote a spiritual health manual.
by LeoCal87 March 20, 2019
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A big headed midget who smokes too much weed and laughs like a pig she lowkey does cocain and is married to julyan spooner
Imani Peterson and Julyan sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
by #mynamesjeff April 30, 2020
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Eric Peterson's are extremely mysterious. They tend to disappear and go M.I.A. for what seems to be forever, just so they can be missed. They will mislead you on purpose just to keep you guessing. And of course, wanting more. They are so sexy that both sexes are attracted to them. They are stalked by crazies on social media and therefore won't reply to your messages hardly ever. Boy! Eric Petersons will get you wanting them down on one knee. Practically salivating as you wait. But, unfortunately, they have huge commitment issues and love playing games as all immature boys do. So if you expect to see a change anytime soon... you're better off planning your own funeral.
by Mrs. I do what I want March 13, 2017
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It's just the fucking cult thing again. Jesus Christ!
Hym "Exodus90 2: Peterson Academy academy is out. They clearly didn't get enough people to sign up for the jungle compound. I'm not doing. My life will consist of 1 thing and 1 thing only: reducing infinity to zero. But beyond that it's literally just selling people into slavery. He wants to be a modern slave owner. So you sign up, take his bullshit University of Phoenix level course, AND THEN... He (LIKELY) sells you to a company that (Likely) has some sort of hiring contract. He just shifted the slavery up one level of abstraction further. 'See, we go back to selling them to eachother but THIS TIME... This time I'll get the slaves to pay me to sell them to their masters."
by Hym Iam September 28, 2023
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