A person who says creepy, sometimes inappropriate things, and has a crappy sense of humor, but has no intention of bring creepy and no idea that they are inappropriate.
Yosniel called me a dirty little girl the other day, but that was only because I didn't take a shower. Then the creepy crapper laughed as I scowled.
by Sophia the carter May 16, 2016
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Defecating while simultaneously masturbating. The climax can be most efficiently achieved by doing so while you wipe.
"Have you heard that Eric added 10 minutes of free time to his day by Crapper Jackin' ? "

"No shit... I guess I'll have to try it out sometime"
by the super bukkake July 15, 2017
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A word to take an action of a swear word without making it sound/ rhyme with a swear word.
If you were to stub your toe and you can’t say anything “bad” bc your a (child of god)

You wrote the wrong answer on your test bc Becky right next to you told you B when it was really C and you knew it was C “crapper doodle
by The kid under your bed January 2, 2020
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When you fart and it feels like your butthole slaps together and sounds like a seel clapping its hands
Oh shit, did you hear Dave's crapper flapper last night!
by PowerLiftyThing April 10, 2020
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basically when a person takes a shit and as the turd hits the water a SPLASH returns up his asshole. Sometimes your butthole closes up just as the water enters!
Hey man, my butt is so wet- i was just in the bathroom and received a Crapper Splasher
by champ031991 October 15, 2009
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The feeling of overwhelming anxiety when sitting on a public toilet and being out of reach of the door should someone barge in.
I was sitting there doing a pub poo, full of crappers uncertainty, just knowing that someone was going to come in on me as I am about to wipe.
by Zombleton Smith September 29, 2020
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