A question that means "hi" or "What are you doing"
It can get annoying, but people don't seem to understand that.
The best way to answer is "I think it's the opposite of down" if you are annoyed by this question
by The Billionth Random Monkey December 15, 2014
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1. A casual greeting or conversation starter, somewhat of a rhetorical question.
Usually followed by something like "Not much, you?," "Nothing much," or even answered with a "Hey man, how's it going?"
syn: How's it going? What is new?

2. syn. What can i do for you?, What would you like? What's on your mind?
1. Person #1: Hey There! What's up?
Person #2: Oh not much. What's up with you?

2. Person #1: Hey come here for a second, I have to ask you something.
Person #2: Ok, what's up?
by GangstaRL December 19, 2005
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it is the same as whats up
what up dude
by tommy November 25, 2002
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see also: whazzup, whassup, whasabi!!, etc.
1. Hi
2. Wtf is wrong with you??

It's probably originated from the late 20th century, when people were astounded with the sky. The only thing that they would reply was "nothing"

Probably the first term to the decline of western civilization
1. Person 1: What's up?
Person 2: "Nothing" (most common response, maybe 99% of people say that)

2. Person 1: What's up?
Person: "The sky" (smart alleck answer: also: "the ceiling" or, "da roof")
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what's happening with you?

also lookup:
word up
hey, whats up?
by actionsketch November 26, 2003
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One of the funniest series of sketches Saturday Night Live have ever made.
Seriously search "Whats up with that snl" on Youtube
Kenan Thompson "Ooooh yeah, Whats up up with that, whats up with that"
by Naughtopus May 31, 2018
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