Dickheads with the last name of 'watt' like to use it in replace of the word 'what'.
Emailer #1 - yo mofo, sup?

Emailer #2 - watt the fuck are you talking about fuckhead?
by the real mirroring cockhead March 18, 2009
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An adjective, used to describe a guy that is very ugly, stupid, and has no talent, but thinks he is better than everyone else regardless. Also is usually under the false impression that everyone loves him. Often treats people like crap when they dont deserve it. Commonly found among big-headed jocks.
Becky: Hey! do you know that kid Austin?
Vicky: Yeah, he is a total watts, no one likes him.
Becky: I know! is a total douche!
by aussypoo December 2, 2009
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To have stacks of money.

A work created by a rapper in SE DC. Parkland to be exact.
I got Watts in my pockets
by @Hefna.Baby November 9, 2020
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A Persons second name coming from te latin for The MOST HOMOSEXUAL PERSON EVER
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Watts: a derogatory term for the female genitalia. Originally coined in the UK in the 1970's as a code word in the rapidly growing world of pornography.
"Mate, have you seen that babes minge?"

"she's got such a watts!"

"really? it's that bad???"
by fcb sharkey January 20, 2010
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a 6 ft tall gay warrior. he loves halloween and hanging out w his friends. he’s also a cute little bean who deserves to be protected at all times.
some of his friends include....
1. shane dawson
2. morgan adams
3. andrew siwicki
4. drew monson

5. ryland adams
6. benjamin
7. tyler
garrett watts is one of the most underrated youtubers of all time and deserves all the love and support ever.
by youtube-ular June 17, 2018
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Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff Hufflepuff
You are such a Garrett Watts
Oh I thought I was a Shane Dawson
by Iamshookth December 29, 2018
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