A fictional vehicle, often used to tell someone to shut the fuck up because they are whining too much.
Person 1: My dad just found out he had cancer, and my cat just got hit by a car.

Person 2: Awwwwww. Someone call nine waaa waaa, and get a wambulance over here.
by TheNoobAvenger October 23, 2007
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n. what you call for when you've got a whiner on your hands.
<Guy 1> "Dude, I just caught my finger in the door."
<Guy 2> "Awww, waaaaahh! Call the wambulance, pussy!"
by Barcoder July 11, 2008
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The word given in a situation when a person has a cry or simply complains.
Jess stop changing clothes if you don't like yourself maybe you should call the Wambulance.
by stoner911 October 13, 2009
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The vehicle that will arrive for someone who's crying
"Adam" jeez my knee is killing me

"chase" uh-oh someone call the Wambulance Adam has a boo-boo
by Chaseospades April 20, 2009
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An imaginary ambulance that comes when shit heads don't have a leeeeeeg. Someone who always gets randomly stressed out and needs a cry is in dire need for a wambulance.
shithead: waaa waaa waaa
man: shut-up Kerr...have a wambulance
by Greenie May 5, 2005
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verb/noun: a theoretical vehicle with no actual destination, representing a child (usually locked in the body of a sexually questionable west coast male) driving a Ghostbuster like wagon crying like a fat kid who gets diet bars for chanukah

Driver can be identified by name tag, but in default driver will usually respond to "John" or "Buttnugget"
If Peter, Paul and Mary were skipping through a field of lillies, emails that remind me finals suck would like be authored by the driver of the wambulance.
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what you say to someone who always cryin and complainin
Situation 1:

Jenna: Oh my god! My feet hurt! I wanna sit! Im tired! I wanna sleep!

Jason: Oh my god! You’ve been at this for an hour! Shut up! Do you need a wambulance?

Situation 2:

Lily: Brian just broke up with me! I’m so sad! :(

Danielle: Tf u sad about? You need a wambulance hoe?
by MOIST_SOCKS1104 August 6, 2018
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