Your girlfriend just got a new little fuzzy kitten and you need some great entertainment. While your girlfriend is out, take a massive shit in the cat box. Hilarity ensues as she gathers a stool sample and rushes the poor little sick kitty off to the vet.
by talboo August 1, 2003
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A term that redditors call themselves in order to justify completely fake animal abuse claims and outright beat the shit out of OP mentally. The best way to piss of a veterinarian is to ask them for their license, which they will respond with a completely butthurt mental breakdown. Some veterinarians will accept that it’s not animal abuse, but others will continue screaming at you until you take brazil to them.
“I am a veterinarian and I am beyond disgusted that your porn featured a dog in it.” example 1 (found on Pornhub)
YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU FOR BATHING YOUR CAT IN WATER! I DON’T EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF!”- example 2 (pissed off and childish veterinarian)
“You know that this is actual animal abuse. Never before in my entire life have I seen anything so disgusting and dreadful. This might be the most gruesome image I’ve ever seen”- Example 3 (butthurt veterinarian on a picture of a stupid looking hairless kitten)
by Bambianca December 19, 2021
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