Verb: to kiss and touch private parts; to mack; to neck; to make out
Verb form of Trim is used only in the deep south, within 100 miles of the Gulf Coast, from Lafayette to Pantama City, Florida. First usage from approximately 1986.
1. Lafonda say, “Do you want to trim
2. What you did last night? Me and Blondene was trimmin’ all nite
by English Lit Theory June 1, 2018
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well put together in a Matthew Macconaughey type of way.
Boi be trim.
by ,martgal17 June 15, 2017
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pussy; vagina; and/ or ass
by Ryanthedon September 20, 2005
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1. (adj.) - slender, slim, lean.
2. (verb) - to remove excess, as in trimming a t-bone steak, or trimming hair.
3. (noun) - the leading edge on an aircraft's wings, even it's propellors.
4. (noun-slang) - a woman's naughty place. (Damn! Does it always have to be pussy? Probably won't ever get to the end of the definitions under pussy. I mean, I love it (pussy), but cripes! How about snatch, beaver, hot tuna, slippery lips, carpet hole, bearded clam, squeeze box, red riding-my-hood, wonder valley, glistening bliss hole; even the better hole, piping hot tulip or milky onion once in a while would be nice. ... Do you get that I'm messing with you? Go write definitions for those crazy synonyms!)
5. (noun-slang) - sexually, any woman, when one is seeking some sweet lovin' (As in: Couldn't get any trim tonight, huh, dumbass?)

also: trimmed, trimming, trims.
2, 5, 1 & 2 again - I trimmed the steak as I watched all the trim dance their trim butts off in the freshly trimmed yard.
3 & 4 - She slid her trim along the Gulfstream V's trim. I nearly barfed at the bizarre and highly infectious act of sexual lunacy.
by ringhorne July 27, 2005
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The leaves and small buds from cannabis plants, left over after the larger buds and the stems have been removed.
"Can I have your trim after harvest?"
"Trim is expensive in Colorado."
by BeansonToast August 11, 2015
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Eddie Murphy in "48 Hours":
"I've got to get me some trim, man!"
by Anonymous December 5, 2002
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