A mocking way of sounding official when you want to sound important
A phrase that is exclaimed loudly before beginning a task or a mission
The correct response to this statement is "APPROVED"
A phrase that is exclaimed loudly before beginning a task or a mission
The correct response to this statement is "APPROVED"
Guy 1- "Go get the the drill so we can build this thing"
Guy 1- "Approved"
Guy 1- "Approved"
by hellomalner July 2, 2019
The act of living under a "fecal dom" who allows or disallow personal bowel movements. The (poly) meaning the "fecal dom" is overseeing many 2-7 "fecal subs" this of course ads to the degradation as you are only one of many "fecal subs" one of the main rules is you can only gain permission of bowel autonomy (for a set period of time) if the "fecal sub" asks in person over the phone or by mail is not permitted.
"Poly-erotic fecal subordination has made my daily life more structured and more erotic!"
"Wow, that's awesome!"
"Wow, that's awesome!"
by unstoppablestepbro May 28, 2024
by CameronLePizza June 5, 2022
A group of people who think they are superior to others but in fact their IQ is not high enough to manage their breathing. You will easily recognize them because of their ugliness.
There's no boi who wants to date Aline and Filipa beacause their ugly level is very high. By calling them 'subordinated people' they will immediatly insult you for being an idiot. And all of the sudden, they will stop breathing because there's too much stuff going on...
by Atraaa February 9, 2017