Wanna staf tonight?
Dude, I staffed the hottest chick last night!
by k45kne November 1, 2011
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A replacement word for most swear words. Can be used as a word to describe something as outrageous or good.
Joel: What a stafs c***.

John: Dam negro that car is stafs.
by A to the Jay January 31, 2008
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Stafs - The term used by Padua boys which means amazement, but they tend to use it constantly to annoy others. It is often used at the start of their myspace or msn names. They get extremely annoyed when people from other schools and places use it.
Stafs Gavin: Hey stafs, what you been up to stafs?
Stafs Jake: Been stafs checkin' out these stafs cool sneakers.
Stafs Gavin: Ah, stafs dude, stafs.
by paduaskankalert September 24, 2009
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Similar to docking, this incredibly sensual activity involves not one, not two, but three naked men. Man one puts his dick in man two’s mouth. Man two puts his dick in man three’s mouth. Man three puts his dick in man one’s mouth. This is all done while laying down, of course, each person at a 120 degree angle to the other two. All three men proceed to thrust forward and backward, alternating who screams WOOD STAFFING each thrust. The first person to cum is the loser of this incredibly fun game as he has the biggest gay.
Person 1:Bro I just finished docking my friend!

Person 2: bro that’s nothing on wood staffing!!! You should try it it’s hella gay
by Thicc Yeet October 31, 2019
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When two dudes take their flaccid penises, ziptie them together, wait for them to become fully erect, then proceed to have sexual intercourse with another individual.
Bro you down for some hermes staffing later in the quad?
by Gr33n Man August 10, 2017
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Over exageration.
This word can be used as a noun, adjective, exclaimation and verb.
1. (noun)"That guy is such a staf, he said he has 800 girls calling him every night"
2. (adjective)"That table is pretty staffed up"
3. (Exclaimation) "STAFS"
4. (Verb) "Look at bob staffing it up, he doesn't look that good."
by Jack Marr August 10, 2006
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A wonderful drinking game. To beer staff, simply drink a beer. Then, duct tape the empty can to the bottom of your next beer. Tape that empty beer to the bottom of the two cans. Keep doing this to form a staff made of beer cans. A BEER STAFF.
"Hey, Broseph. What're you doing tonight?"
by Robbie Bourne December 12, 2006
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