Adjetive: When one becomes so drunk that they wake up the next morning in a strangers house, in a nearby city, wearing clothes that don't belong to them, and while slowly piecing the previous night's events together, the only thing the person can remember clearly is running naked through a convenience store.
Bob: Remember when we broke into that zoo last night?
Sally: I don't remember anything after 9am yesterday, I got so slayed yesterday.
by ChuckD912 March 28, 2008
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something that is unorganized whether it is a person or a thing, something thats messy or destroyed
1.oh damn they slayed your room today
2.That girl is slayed why she wearing that
by chinky chink July 13, 2009
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the guy out of your group of friends that gets the most pussy of everybody. All your friends want to be the "slay-slay".
I think Jon is the new slay-slay, with all that ass he's getting.
by ammama June 20, 2006
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when someone looks impressively beautiful and slays it
You are slaying in red babe!
by Sanayy May 3, 2016
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To kick ass. To dominate a particular field. To be one of the greatest in that particular area.
She's slaying it. (She's doing extremely well)
He slayed that interview. (He did really well in the interview)
They're slaying the presentation. (They are doing well in the presentation, everyone is captivated by them)
I slayed it. (I won! I did excellent! I'm now memorable! My name's on everyone's lips! Who's awesome? Me!)
by TeacherM March 27, 2017
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