To insert your finger in someone's asshole without using lubricant.
I need to take my girlfriend to the pharmacy to buy Advil because I skeleton keyed her... but first I need to wash my finger. While I'm there, I'd better buy lubricant for next time.
by Captain Map Reader May 16, 2010
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(n.) any hard, heavy object used to break a window in order to gain entry into a vehicle or structure. usually a rock.
Tyronne used an african skeleton key to get passed those weak-ass french doors.
by MDM July 19, 2005
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When a person is having sex with someone doggy style, and sticks their ring finger into the person being fucked's asshole, then turning their finger like a key
I gave her a skeleton key so much that my finger was stained brown forever
by Peter Uppercut January 17, 2007
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When two hermaphrodites insert themselves into each other.
Did you hear about the Chris and Katie are both hermaphrodites? They can totally skeleton key!
by schmuck1015 April 4, 2022
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An underbarrel shotgun used by the Rainbow Six Siege™️ operator Buck.

It lets you create sightlines anywhere at the cost of damage.

Useful, i guess?
Teammate 1: "Yo, can you skeleton key this here wall? It will make a great sightline.'
Teammate 2: "Yeah sure!"
Teammate 2: "Home improved."
by в о л к September 6, 2020
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Similar to a 5 finger discount refers to theft, Skeleton Key is a way to refer to a Break and Enter ( B&E)
Hunter "did you do a B&E?"
Amber "no, I've got a skeleton key"
by lilsaint1618 October 12, 2019
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