When one goes on snapchat and instead of opening a chat, they just slide it a little bit to see some of what the chat says, and it will still say to the sender that it was left on delivered.
What did he say?
I shmooped his snap and I saw "meet tuesday"
He wants to meet you tuesday!
by LagHoe September 9, 2019
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A derogatory term toward a white person. Derived from how white people talk to their significant others and their pets.
You know its a shmoop wedding when the cha cha slide gets played
by Keving9987 September 19, 2016
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n. - a large bottle of water, gatorade, or nonalcoholic drink you carry around the day after drinking.

v. - "shmooping" - to carry around and drink out of a shmoop after drinking, usually during classes.
"Thirsty Thursday was pretty crazy, it's going be shmoop-toberfest in my 8am psych class"
by genoman March 11, 2006
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When someone smokes a joint or blunt, becoming slothful having nothing better to do afterwards.

San Francisco slang.
Johnny: Man, I am shmooped!

Melvin: We have to go do something we’re hella lazy.

Johnny: Another round?

Melvin: Hell yeah. I’m not shmooped yet.
by cousinfelipe August 8, 2019
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The act of ditching the bros/gals to talk, text, face time or hang out with a potential or current love interest.
(Shmoop, shmooped, shmoopin)
Dude, he was totally shmooping with that girl last night when we were at the bar
by Dudes23 January 17, 2018
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the act of reading a summary of text off of the internet
Did u shmoop the english homework last night.
Everyone be quiet I am shmooping.
by TheAmbassador April 5, 2013
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1. A word that can be used as pretty much anything; often used as an exclamation, but can also describe an action or person, or even be its own noun.

2. Something really cute or fluffy.

"Heyy Shmoopie how's it going?"

"She was just shmooping around."

"Aww I love those shmoops."
by whoa_its_soph April 25, 2010
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