When the annoying man child also known as black josh sexually harasses other people for pure enjoyment.
Last night rubin got some retreading from josh😉
Haby was convinced josh was gay after that retreading
by PANDAAAAAAAAAAA January 17, 2018
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Calling an old girlfriend to join you for the evening. You have no intention of being serious with her, but she is a "sure thing".
My friend Scott often comes into work discussing the "retread" that he called from the bar the night before.
by Big Al NYC April 7, 2006
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A Retread is Basically someone who has there head to far up their ass that they cannot see what is going on in front of them, Someone who is just a Basic Fool.
"Stop being such a retread and answer the damn Phone"
by Retread April 27, 2016
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A new younger spouse that replaces an older worn out spouse.
Who is that young woman with uncle Jim?

That’s his new retread Tiffany. He divorced Susan last year.
by Skinnybitch77 December 5, 2017
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Receiving analinguis while deficating
I was getting a rusty trombone from a hooker and turned it into a blumpkin when I shit in her mouth.

Dude you need to brush up on your urban dictionary thats called a retread
by ITMFMN December 12, 2016
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Surgery to repair a person's torn/ripped asshole. This is common in prison when a prison bitch is gang raped or repeatedly ass fucked with no lubricant. This occurrs when an inmate is perceived as a docile person. It is not uncommon for the dominator(s) to make the prisn bitch dress up, wear make-up and pee while sitting down.
The prison bitch had his ass deflowered and needed an anal retread.
by slicksal November 24, 2006
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when a womans pussy is so big worn out you put in a whole ham in than pull out the bone to tighten it up.
it felt like pullin' a string through the grand canyan, until i gave her a "redneck retread", then it was all good!
by robert w. February 27, 2007
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