r/Lolitary is a subreddit full of teenagers who think that defending fictional drawings will help real children, not only that they also put CSAM survivors at the same table as lolis by calling lolicons pedophiles.

Their arguments does not hold any credible evidence done by psychologists, scientists or any professionals that states that fictional drawings can help someone transition from fictional drawings to REAL children.

r/lolitary bans anyone that provides concrete evidence that proves or counters some nonsense they spout.

r/lolitary normally brigades, raids and harasses users on the platform "reddit" that contains lewds of SHORT women and lolis which is understandable but sometimes they would flood subs with gore and horrendous shit they got from the dark web.

Their raids or brigades normally contains prison or fbi memes but they sometimes contains something graphic like gore or REAL CP/child porn but they rarely happen

Surprisingly r/lolitary is not yet banned even though they broke reddits Tos multiple times which are: brigading, harassment, threatening other users

"kys, kill yourself, jump of a bridge",
Raiding, encouraging suicide

"kill yourself followed by you should do it you faggot" and racial slurs

One of the moderators from r/lolitary switched sides to r/antilolitary.
Ever wonder why he/she/they did that?
Guy: I wonder why r/lolitary would spend most of their time gathering evidence of a minority on r/antilolitary, even though it doesn't help real children in any way.

Dude: probably because they can't differentiate fiction from reality.

Bro: seems like they are most likely neckbeards or teenagers that think they're heroes for brigading, harassing and threatening users and subreddits for liking fictional children or short women.
by YourAverageSmartAss April 13, 2022
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A group of pedophile enablers dedicated to watering down the meaning of the word pedophile by calling everyone who disagree with them pedophiles, so that when there's an actual pedophile case, people won't take it much seriously.
Person 1: I like flat chested girls
r/lolitary member: You're a pedophile
Person 2: I think you should get a job
r/lolitary member: You're a pedophile
Person 3: I like Belle Delphine
r/lolitary member: You're a pedophile
Person 4: I saw a pedophile
People watching from the side: That could mean anything now
r/lolitary member: You're a pedophile
by PomuHub April 24, 2022
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A subreddit full of 35-48 year old pedophiles neckbeards whose entire existence is for projecting their their sexual fantasies onto other people and harass people online. They all have extreme cases of schizophrenia but act like they are always morally in the right. They like to use ironic and unfunny memes unironically in their arguments and also like to make up facts that doesn't exist and pretend nothing is wrong when one of their own is doing illegal things. They also like to make up and keep bringing up "facts" that has been debunked countless times. They don't have a real job since they dedicate all their time to look for loli artworks to harass people and real CSA material to use in their arguments. Members of their groups have been revealed to be actual pedophiles and child groomers multiple times but they will defend them with their dying breath saying fictional porn is worse.
Person 1: So you like you loli characters huh?
Person 2: Yes I do
Person 1: So you like this huh you Pedo *shows real CSA pictures
Person 2: WTF?
Person 3: Classic r/Lolitary member behavior
by PomuHub April 12, 2022
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A subreddit full of Like minded people that hate the consumption of Lolicon hentai in a pornographic context, due to the fact that its literally little kids drawn as anime???
Genshin neckbeard player: "Klee is 80 years old!!!!!! Im not a pedophile!!!"
r/lolitary member: "brigade the pedophile brothers"
by Dreamedcar December 18, 2022
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