What you feel like doing after a guy/girl you really like compliments you are is in close proximity to you.
Very strong feeling, almost like you want to grab them and do something to them, usually "naughty" in nature.

Has tremendous effects on your thoughts the rest of the day when you know they like you back.

Can also mean: A mental purr that lasts for a short while after you become slightly aroused by a crush, followed by mild genital arousal.
After so-and-so told me I did great on a test, I mentally purr ed to myself with pleasure.
by RainbowFang October 5, 2010
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When said by a human to another human, it may mean:

1. If I were a dog right now, i'd probably hump your leg.

2. I want to "pounce" you.

3. I'm in heat... let's fuck.

4. I have a concealed boner with your name on it.

5. I am trying to lure you into bed
You see someone you are attracted to, but you don't know what to say to lure them into bed, so you just purr at them
by kittysayspurrrrr August 24, 2011
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Purr is the short version of period!
Girl 1: Ouuu sis look at this

Girl 2: ouu yes purr it’s giving what it’s post to gave.
by 😟. June 23, 2021
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The name for the most retarded group of friends to ever live. They are most known for their current couples posts every sunday on their anonymous Instagram account. The purr purr girls party hard, fuck harder, and live wilder.
Dude did you see what purr purr did last night, it was totally fucked. They posted about a girl giving a guy head. And then one of them puked in the front yard.
by katethekat March 7, 2022
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Some ghetto sh!t used by b!tches who got no h0es.
BUT slay queen purr! 😘❤ (Im so sorry if you had to see this)
by StrawberryGlow April 25, 2022
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A word that describes a friend group of degenerate sluts. The purr purr girls are most known for their scandalous instagram account that features current couples posts and their idiotic actions. They party hard, fuck harder, and are always down for a good bitch fight. Honorable mention to having RBFS.
Did you see what purr purr posted last night?
No, what was it?
Dude, they totally posted that video of you and your girlfriend hooking up.
by katethekat March 7, 2022
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A noise made to acknowledge someone's comments or actions, or simply to say 'yes'.

Can be accompanied by a slight nod.
Nick : Have you seen that great movie "The Core?"
Matthew : purrrrhrrrrmmmrrrr.
by sko February 2, 2005
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