- A kind of protein that is capable of pumping out compounds that could pose a threat to the ones close to you. Your girlfriend, significant other, Sister, Mother, Mother in-law, and yes your Grandma too.

- Swallowing a bit of this super human sperm will give you super power to get jacked fibras, scientist have compare this sperm to celltech, they say they are almost the same.

- Drinking sperm of PP its illegal in pro-competitions.

- Most know member of insatiable sexual creatures of bodybuilding.com

-The penor, a bacterial protein complex that repels a wide range of antibiotics through its ability to capture and pump out a spectrum of structurally diverse compounds would be the active, while using a decoy to attract the prey.
1. Sluuug: What supplements are you taking?
Jacked-mofo: I am taking dat der Protein Pump.

2. Grandma, are you going out tonight?
Yes, i am going into a wild adventure with Protien pump
by cell tech for life February 2, 2008
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Refering to when a dude ejaculates into a woman mouth giving them there daily dose of protien.
Sally was feeling tierd and ran down till she got a protien shot from Timmy
by Douch nozel November 13, 2010
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The orgasmic ejaculation from a man being swallowed.
"Since sperm is pure protien, when I'm feeling tired and run down I found a willing man, suck him off and swallow his 'high protien snack'. In no time I'm feeling energetic."
by bifemftw February 5, 2011
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A Penis With Herpes.....
Refering To the penis as the protein stick because of Semen's high protein content.
And Pizza refering to the herpes looking like the toppings from pizza on a mans penis.
Watch out for that Guy.....He rocks a pizza protein stick.
by DUbman June 30, 2004
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a penis, originates from the concept that male ejaculate is high in protien.
"I gave it her"
"Gave her what?"
"You know my turkey baster full of protein shake
by Big E notor E us October 17, 2003
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refering to "X Protonium."
by X Protonium May 30, 2019
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When someone eats cum out of someone else’s ass hole
Josh loves protien pies
by Wysg October 25, 2018
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