The act of getting so drunk, that you can't walk straight and fall (or nearly) of a train platform.
Hey bro, where did you end up last night?

Bro I was "platforming" last night and got locked up for being drunk and disorderly

Bro, you got "platformed" as!!!
by Steviej85 October 21, 2019
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The act of approaching someone from behind, and plopping one’s ballsack on their shoulder.
Ya bro, I heard John Hancock was platforming people when they signed the declaration. Should have been named John Hanballs.
by Bobby N SF July 14, 2018
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One who against all medical advice and common sense decides to not just lift weights at the gym, but instead decides to lift ALL of them. Platform pirates are often spotted on the platform with red faces, bulging neck veins and a general sense of pissed-off-ness not just at the impossibility of lifting the weight, but of the world.
Person A: Hey Schmicky! Look over there, that f***er is making away with all our weights like a drunken sailor making off with wenches.
Person B: That's not a sailor, that's a f***ing Platform Pirate! Don't f*** with him, he's on a mission!
by jjboseck May 14, 2011
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An undersea platform containing the island of Bermuda which is similar to the Grand Bahamas Bank, Cay Sal Bank, and Bahariterra Bank
We're robbing the Bermuda Platform of it's coral.
by Island Brooio May 20, 2022
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Pretty much how the internet started to work once it was accepted that you can kick out people that don't agree with you from your online community. As a result of a culture of 'de-platforming' and censorship, what actually started to happen was that people started to platform "strawman" - intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat rather than engaging with an opponent's real argument - instead.
"Internet today is just a bunch of platforming strawmen"
by cyberphunkisms May 7, 2022
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A person who scuttles along the platform as trains come to a halt, trying to be in front of the nearest door, giving the best chance of getting a seat. Sometimes results in humiliation when the train pauses then moves a few metres further, meaning the whole exercise was pointless for the crab. Hardcore commuters have the right to tut as this goes on, as of course they know exactly where the door will be and don't need to scuttle.
Whilst standing at Finchley Road in the morning chatting to a friend as a crab approaches, "Damn here comes a Platform Crab, I'll just strategically place my briefcase here to end their scuttle"
by Sam Crawley September 9, 2005
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When a software product, usually a video game is being developed for multiple systems (ex. playstation 3, xbox 360.) the devloper will often create the product on one then create a port, or reformatted version for the other. The system that the software is developed for first is the lead platform.
"The lead platform for Dragon Age Orgins was the PC and ports were created for the PS3 and the X Box 360
by The_Darkness January 12, 2011
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