A text message sent by Opal Crankshaft to her close friend and grandson, Bryant Hollifield. They started doing this when Opal misread LOL to mean 'Lots of Love'. She uses it on Facebook as well as on her cell. The initials mean 'Love You Lots'. So if your relationship with your sweetie isn't going well, try sending them an LYL!
Opal: Oh great! Another great Facebook message. I wonder who wrote this?

Earl: I did! I sent you an LYL. Its not that difficult. You still look as pretty as the day I first met you!

Sylvia: Dad, you LYL'd Mom? That's sweet! But what is LYL? I've always heard of LOL, but not that one.

Opal: (she takes her cell out) Well, it means Love You Lots. Me and Bryant use it. He loves it. (she kisses Sylvia and texts LYL)

Pearl: Yeah, that's a real love maker there! When you see an LYL, look out! Your heart's gonna burst.

Opal: That's right, Sis, gotta warm up those love muscles. (she kisses Pearl).

Earl: Sweet! LYL is very pretty. (they all take their cell phones and make a toast) Here's to us, LYL! Love You Lots!
by Dusty's Baby Powder February 22, 2012
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Thanks for lunch and the drinks Monica. LYL
by pmp020772 August 16, 2010
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Dark Goddess of Providence, Empress of the Universe, Asian Queen of all Humans, Turtles, Pandas and Otherwise etc. etc.
Lyl: Bow down everyone!


-everyone bows-

by Quutmon December 8, 2010
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the complete package. excellent writer and a ferocious defender of le fait francais au canada
by topdog5000 June 14, 2023
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