The abbreviated version of, "Lamborghini", an Italian luxury sports car.
"That Lambo can out run 10 police cars it's so fast."
"We just set a goal, talking matching Lambos."
by reddnnose April 6, 2015
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To successfully score with a hot chick.
To have intercourse with a hot chick.
To have great intercourse
"I pulled a Lambo last night"

"Dude,, she got lambo'd"
by Buggywhips July 27, 2011
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A rare name for a very sexy cow with horns, shirt with black patches and a very sensitive and somehow oldschool personality and apperance - such as hairstyle resembling Syd Barrett. Often occures from a pink cloud of gas after using the 10 Years Bazooka, a type of weapon created to summon Lambo ten years older.
Wow, look at that sexy man in a shirt with black patches, I bet his name is Lambo!
by zUo January 20, 2008
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The Lambo is named after a legend in the game. It is defined as having sex three times in a day, as Lambo typically does.
Bro, I totally pulled off the lambo on Saturday!
by scottersd May 11, 2018
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Lambo is a mix between the rugged nature of the well acclaimed character of Rambo and the soft, gentle nature of a lamb. Calling somebody a Lambo is a sign of great repect, and acknowledgement of the person's perfect balance of behaviour.
"You're the biggest Lambo I've ever met, dude!"

"Bro, it's what I do"
by Landoddage May 28, 2009
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Someone who leaves work abruptly with no forewarning. Especially with no intention of returning.

From the acronym Leave Abruptly My Broken Organisation.
Where is Dave? Oh, he’s gone. He's done a Lambo.
by Your_Mac December 18, 2019
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