The cancer of YouTube and/or Twitter. The shit stain that's impossible to lick up.
Kid: Look mom. Look what I found. He goes by the name of Keemstar.
Mom: I should've aborted you.
by Fuckasinschool June 16, 2016
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KKKKKKKKK KILLER KEEMSTAR is a fat fucking whore who runs a retarded news channel on youtube. He has no friends and he reports on the dumbest shit. He is a racist and his fans mean nothing to him. He even said it... Alex is a stupid what?
by ChineseDiabetes June 26, 2016
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1. A cancerous lump that causes many headaches.
2. A gnome.
3. A sociopath
1. Leafy had a case of keemstar.
2. Brenda add a keemstar to her garden.
3. Hey, that guy who makes drama alert videos sure is a keemstar
by Keemy Cancer June 30, 2016
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A fucking racist ass motherfucker who looks like he came out his mom's ass and look like a damn gnome.
Everybody type in the chat that Keemstar is a racist shitbag.
by TrumpisDad December 1, 2016
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An extremely cunty YouTube star that reports on the drama and news on the Internet
Hey, have you seen Keemstar call that poor man a pedo?
by RaspBerryChipmunk July 26, 2017
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A Keemstar is a very immature gnome-like man, who happens to run a block game event. Known for deleting tweets every time he makes a mistake, and not taking responsibility.
Boy:oh Keemstar? That clown!
Boy 2: yeah, he can’t even keep his lies straight!
by Emtoocoolforu September 10, 2019
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Garden gnome/keemstar is something you put in your garden that is racist and screams because he is trash at any game in exsistense
Me: So youre a keemstar, huh.
Guy: yep.
Me: you fucking fuckhole get out off this planet or i will yeet you off
by Jackthedictionaryboi April 24, 2019
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