abbrevation for "just gay"
You don't think Jessica Alba is fine? Fool, you JG!
by Martel November 14, 2004
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Quite possibly the father of the greatest cartoon series ever. Quintel is a writer, director, storyboard artist, and producer of Regular Show. He is also the voice of one of the main characters, Mordecai.
JG Quintel created Regular Show.
by Disparity May 17, 2011
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Originally coined as an error from the words "jg diff" which originated from the popular battle royale League of Legends, it was used to demean others by claiming them as a doff. It has now transcended its original meaning and can now mean anything and everything at the same time.
by Sharky_boy May 19, 2021
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A phenomenon that is only observed in League of Legends. JG gap occurs when your jungle looks more clueless than a 6-year-old who is trying to figure out how a microwave works. While there is still a healthy debate surrounding the conditions that create JG gap, there is a consensus among the league community that JG gap will highly likely & inevitably result in a loss. Here are some most common scenarios of Jg gap.

- Your jungler decides to rage perma farm while the enemy jungler actively goes around the rift and takes objectives
- Your jungler failed elementary math so he gets objectives stolen by the enemy support
- Your jungler doesn't know when to counter-jungle and continuously ints, then pings you and your entire team for not "rotating"
"This is the 4th gank by the enemy lee sin, where the fuck is my Jungle and what is he doing?"

"Your jungle just got executed by raptors"

"fuck, another jg gap"
by VERY HAPPY ROH MOO HYUN February 28, 2023
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It is a term often misused by many in LoL, confusing it with top diff. It's true meaning is when your jungler out-jungles the enemy jungler, like tyler1, the inventor of the word and the best jungler in the world.
Me: Did you know Nightblue3 is the worst jungler in human history?
Friend: That's because he can't jg diff like tyler1, the best jungler in the world.
Nightblue's Fanboys: ThAt Is NoT TrUe *cry in sorrows
by Darkhen124 June 10, 2020
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The act of secretively taking ones finger and briefly swiping your partner's coinslot and then inserting it into the unsuspecting person's nasal cavity.
Dude, last night while I was undressing my girlfriend totally pulled a JG Wentworth on my ass! I had no idea how bad my ass stank!!
by JS&CO August 9, 2011
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The creator of slideshow comparisons on YouTube
He got demonetized 3 times and hates comparisons now
"JG Science blocked us again after we asked for comparison videos"
by 🧊 Ice Bird 🧊 November 4, 2023
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