by peepeepoopo0 November 13, 2020
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the street name for ecstacy; a tablet commonly small.
She bought some earings.
by Twattt April 14, 2008
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Cockney pronunciation of "here", as popularised by the British sitcom, Eastenders, indicating the speaker's desire for his audience's attention.

Also, the East End's (of London) favourite Spanish verb (ir - to go).
ear, mickey, get an earful of this

ear, you want to watch where you're going mate
by DJ Syko May 30, 2005
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A derivative of the word "here." This sound is most commonly made by individuals smoking marijuana, when passing a joint.
ear...take a hit.
ear...its your turn.
by kpd May 2, 2006
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Annoying weasel who listens into your conversations and then joins in with half-assed unwanted opinions.
Me: Did you see Ears butting into my private chat earlier?
Her: Yeah, Ears is super annoying.
by Bruce Wee July 14, 2021
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–noun, plural -fuls.
1. The act of ejaculating into the ear of your sexual partner.
2. a shot of semen in the ear - used as a scolding.

Origin: Duke of Kent, Toronto, ON; October 1st, 2006
Last night, Jacky gave his woman an earful, and she freaked out. She stood up and yelled: "How am I going to explain that infection to the Dr.?"
by Fat Tony from t-dot October 3, 2006
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