to be Extreamly ugly or hideous
kyle and john and erik are hid
by sdfgwsu June 26, 2006
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1. When a speed typer and/or dumbass misspells "his".

2. The simple past tense of "hide".

3. High-Intensity Discharge lamp (H.I.D lamp).
Example 1:
Guy 1 "Yo, hid gear is cool."
Guy 2 "You misspelled his dumbass."

Example 2:
"He hid behind a wall."

Example 3:
"Turn on the H.I.D lamp."
by a degenerate mistake December 15, 2019
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adverb. Describes something that is both terribly hideous and a total waste of time talking about.
This is what you got me for Christmas? It's totally hid! Do I even know you?
by Jabuti37 May 5, 2005
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when pronuoncing do not put emphasis on the d. hid is pronounced more like hit.

ugly, hideous
what you think about her ?
man , she was hid.

yor girlfriend is hid.
by Starr * January 11, 2010
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Pretending to have the 'Rona in order to isolate yourself from responsibility for a couple of weeks.
Hey, remember that time The Donald COV-HID after that 30 car pile up of a debate?

Dave couldn't face Shaz after she found out he gave her chlamydia so he COV-HID for a fortnight.
by Ray Von Geezer October 3, 2020
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When a person under the influence of drugs (generally marijuana) places an item in an obscure location, whether accidentally or on purpose, and after sobering up cannot find said item.

Person 1: Shit, any idea what I did with my history textbook?

Person 2: Yeah, you high hid that last night, dumbass.

Person 1: I just found the dime bag I high hid during finals week. Fuck yes!
by AnCaBi July 3, 2011
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