An emotion often felt when all of the rum is gone. Symptoms include denial, feelings of hopelessness, staggered walking, and repeated questioning of WHY the rum is gone.
Jack Sparrow: Why is the rum gone?
Jack Sparrow: But WHY is the rum gone?
Jack Sparrow: Why is the rum always gone? *staggers drunkenly* Ah. That's why.

Other Pirate 1: What happened to him?
Other Pirate 2: Rum exasperation.
by Artemis Vandelay July 25, 2011
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When someone adds punctuation to a message to convey extra annoyance.
Jimmy: K.
Sally: Is u mad?
Jimmy: no.

Sally: You're using exasperation punctuation....
by SamBamOhMan December 22, 2016
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The sudden, unexplainable, transition of wood, metal, plastic, concrete into an explosive state.

Example: OH NO!! My desk is suffering from nonlinear catastrophic structural exasperation!!!
by Zacarias July 28, 2007
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outing all your energy on foreplay so when it comes to the real thing you tired
by caresforyou2 May 21, 2017
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The action of releasing gas either through respiration or farting
Daniel: OMG Samantha just dumped me

Geoff: Dude no way just exasperate and keep calm imma kill that bitch
by Fiddler 3000 April 20, 2021
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The action of releasing gas either through respiration or farting
Daniel: OMG Samantha just dumped me

Geoff: Dude no way just exasperate and keep calm imma kill that bitch
by Fiddler 3000 April 20, 2021
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