A small town in massachusetts that basically revolves around the high school also known as Dartmouth High and sports acievements. In dartmouth if you don't do any extra curriculars your probably a stoner. It is a place where people are upper middle class to very rich ex if you live in the village you have a shit ton of money It is a place all about shcool spirit and theres way too much green and trees there. Its a pretty beautiful place but its shitty because there nothing to do and if you do anything different then anybody else people look at you funny. Everyone goes to the same churches, the stupid mall, or sports games. Anyone that knowns what good for them will get out of Dartmouth after high school. Unless you want to end up runnning for something or being a teacher.
I'm so sick of the people in Dartmouth
by Notforc May 2, 2011
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A small town in Devon. Home to The Royal Naval College (fucking bunch of cunts). Where Down to Earth (tele soap) was semi-filmed.
by forgottenxdreams August 18, 2004
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A small town in Southeastern Massachusetts known for....nothing. Most anybody worth a damn leaves afer high school, although sometimes they visit to see how all the dumbass football players are doing in they crappy minimum-wage jobs.

That said, there is some excellent fishing in the area, so some cool people stay in town for that reason.
Man, Dartmouth sucks. I can't wait to get out of this town.

Steve: Hey Dave I haven't seen you since high school, man. what's up?
Dave: Fuck off Steve. I'm just in Dartmouth to see my mom and the two cool people who stayed here after graduation. If you weren't such a prick in high school, I might feel bad about laughing at you for still living in this crappy town. HAHAHAHA...enjoy working at Old Navy for the rest of your miserable life, sucker! HAHAHAHAHA!
by defenestrator March 10, 2005
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Small college in Hanover, NH. Ivy League doormat since 1769.
Oh man, Princeton's basketball team got the crap beat out of them yesterday by Penn...they totally pulled a Dartmouth!
by Paula Joyce August 3, 2005
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Dartmouth (also reffered to as D-Town) A large town (landwise) but a small town (population wise) in southeastern massachussettes, which by looking at the other deffinitions for it on here seems to get shitted on alot. It is actually a great town, everyone has plenty of freinds, no matter what part you live in theres always something to do with your freinds. its great for longboarding biking skateboarding hiking swimming, any outdoor activity, it is a great location for things to do in other towns/cities. So as long as you have freinds in dartmouth its a great place. unfortunately, the schools suck, there are kids that sweat sports and are stuck up douchebags that dont notice that everyone hates them (football fags) and the cops are assholes. but besides that its a great town and i love it here :)
Kid 1- aye wanna bike down to cumbys and get chillzones then play basketball at burgos?

kid 2- yeah sure, ill longboard, hopefully we dont run into football fags

kid 1- yeah goodpoint but who cares, its dartmouth lets have a good time in D-town :)
by KIDCUDI222222222 June 17, 2011
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Private Ivy League university in chilly Hanover, NH. Dartmouth offers a broad liberal arts education, serving as a feeder school to many prestigious grad schools. Dartmouth tends to attract smart, white, preppy, Conservatives or smart, white, crunchy, outdoorsy kids who just want to go skiing and drink beer. The unique D-Plan is both a bonus and a bummer- while it does let students take terms off to travel and enjoy excellent internships and jobs, people are always coming and going, making it difficult to see your base of friends on a regular basis.

Characterized by fiercely loyal alumni and a powerful Greek system, the Dartmouth undergraduate community is particularly strong- with movies such as "Animal House" based on Dartmouth undergraduate life. Although outdoor sports like skiing and hiking tend to be preferred more than basketball or soccer, Dartmouth students are generally pretty fit.

Notable parts of a Dartmouth education include "X" term (all sophomores are required to spend sophomore summer on campus), the Winter Carnival, Green Key, and the PE requirement. Famous alumni include Dr. Seuss, Robert Frost, Nelson Rockefeller, and Daniel Webster.
"It's a small college sir, but there are those who love it.

-Daniel Webster, class of 1801
by Anita Lim May 31, 2005
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A bunch of pussies that think they are better than everyone else, even though they are raging cocksuckers and cant beat Bishop Stang in hockey. They feen on the fact that they beat Stang 48-3 in football in one game.
Wow that kid must go to Dartmouth High cause hes a raging cocksucker!
by Father Doerr February 24, 2014
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