Anything that is not a cow. It is sometimes used for tags when you can't think of anything else to put in. Also, It can be used for answering a question that you don't know the answer to.
1. TAGS: Carrot, pie, elf, lichen, omelette, Not a Cow

2. Manager: "So, Alex, what have you been working on?"
Alex: " Uh.... Not a Cow?"
Manager: "You're fired."
by Lilli the Excellence June 10, 2010
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The only place in Reisterstown people who aren't from Reisterstown know about. Also the only place in Reisterstown where you can find something to do. People are there whenever it's open, most likely eating ice cream and doing nothing. If you go to the cow by yourself, you're lame. And if you don't go to the cow, you don't live in Reisterstown.
Person A- I went to the cow yesterday with some friends.
Person B- Sweet. I was going to get some people to go today.

Person A- Can I come?
by CelestiaLight February 15, 2010
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The word 'cow' is also a moderately offensive insult in the United Kingdom towards a woman who is supremely unpleasant.
"You fat cow!"
by Tequila May 22, 2004
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2.not able to learn because of brian condition
Bush is an on-cow-cow fucka
by sonx May 4, 2005
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1. A domesticted hooved animal that can be used for meat, leather, milk and miscelanous byproducts.

2. A person with a gigantic ass.

3. The ultimate proof of the axiom "You are what you eat".
Get that cow meat out of your mouth now you freakin' cow!
by Crushyiffdestroy November 7, 2004
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A wise creature that understands the three tenants for enlightenment: (1) know the moo; (2) feel the moo; (3) be the moo.
Guy: You're a cow.

Girl: Thanks. I know.
by Ereck Flowers November 8, 2018
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Some girl who is being a total bitch, particularyly offensive as it is basically calling them fat, and we know they dont like that.
"You fucking cow"
"Fuck off you cow"
"You cow!"
by Prick #1 January 6, 2005
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