Large stick from a tree that occupants of "the ghetto" use to strike each other with.
Ahm 'bout to bust this chizzle ova' yo' head biotch!
by Boxxcarr September 10, 2003
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To chat, converse and/or start on someone. Occasionally used by street rats.
Eh mate, youns havin' a chizzle?
by Sarah Harvey March 25, 2007
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the action of stealing an object or point in sports or life from a teammate or friend.
Friend 1: Dude you knew I was tryin to wheel on that broad, you totally chizzled her from me.

Friend 2: You're effin right bro she was hot as hell.
by Rob a g June 7, 2010
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a drug substance similar to cocaine
We refused the chizzle that 6 scary manchester blokes offered us.
by emily a weiss October 25, 2003
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A short word often used to convey the point of the common qoute: "I fucked your mom hardcore then threw her under your bed."

Billy: Hey guys!
Person 1: die...
Person 2: i chizzled your mom last night
Person 3: i got it on tape
Billy: (crys while running away like a sissy)
by Chizzle And The Chizzler November 22, 2007
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the past tense of chya

agreement with something
Cait: Yeo Snoop Dogg stold our idea, we made up a song named "Drop It Like Its Hot" in August!
Lizzie: CHIZZLE!! the ELKS
by Caitlin & Lizzie April 28, 2005
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a sharp metal tool used 4 carving wood
i got my chizzle and chizzled some wood
by jimmo August 7, 2003
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