noun, (Australian Slang): Twenty Dollars worth of cannabis. Usually between 1.5 and 2 grams.
I just went over to old mates place and picked up a Chenny. Feel like a Billy or two?
by Indica Man August 19, 2008
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A sport that combines tennis and chess into one awkward hard to play activity. Players must have both the physique and finesse necessary to excel at tennis, and also the mental dexterity to play a strong game of chess. The rules are not yet clearly defined. The winner is determined either through checkmate or winning the tennis match.
To add to the confusion, some people like to play doubles chennis.
Not to be confused with Chess Boxing.
Bobby Fischer and Bjorn Borg frequently got together on weekends to play a match of chennis.
by Stryker Ramoray August 6, 2008
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The term a drunk person uses to describe kennys chocholate covered cherries.
In an almost orgasmic fashion, she said " oh, oh my gosh! chennys kerries are sooo good!"

" she was so drunk she stole chennys kerries and even the tupperware"
by mandywill January 2, 2012
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An expression of any high money figures that nobody knows the real value in the the millions of the billions of the trillions.or the millions of millions of dollars.The type of $ bux that the greater part of the population will never experience as in someone way richer than ourselves.
Brittany Spears must have chenny million bux, she can afford to be a nutcase and make bad choices.
the president/Prime Minister earns chenny million bux a year.
by munyuck October 13, 2008
a friend of Jack Chen who is the main character and everyone fucks with him

similar to yeats "twizzy" but for Jack Chen
Person 1: "ayy thats my chenny right there"
Person 2: "yo fr you my chenny ong"
by space cowboy II November 22, 2022
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Some asian dude with a microscopic choed. He can’t last longer than 10 seconds in da bed.
Girl: are u kidding me Chenny u haven’t even stuck it in yet and u nutted!!
by Yours trulyyyyyy, June 25, 2019
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Lil ass dude with a chain that goes clubbing to harass women and drop chinese words. He prefers to be called “The Jock” but everyone calls him chenny anyway.
“Yo babe be careful when you go out with your friends tonight. I heard chenny is in town.”
“Oh dont worry. I heard chenny is welching today.”
by July 5, 2022
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