A black person who is soft spoken, calm, and you know...not a crazy, jumping up and down, shouting, rapping, crazy black person.
Black and Mild: Hello, sir. How are you today?

Black Person: What you say b? I be crazy whack nigga sup now!

Black and Mild: Um, pardon me?
by Tom Sroka November 2, 2007
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When a man's face is level with a womans butt, and the man pries a womans butt hole open by clamps on opposite walls pulling each butt cheek in opposite directions, and inserting a lit Black & Mild of your choice into the rim of her butt hole and taking a puff. And to continue the night smoking through her anal cavity.
I dun just gave that shawty the black and mild, cream flavored mufooka
by WeInThatA%& November 19, 2010
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a small cigar with a plastic tip used for better inhalation, available in a variety of different flavors
yo lets go smoke the black n milds.
by carmen showty May 25, 2008
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Hood superstition.

If you dropped the black and mild, it means 12 is coming
Hey Kush dropped the black and mild. So watch out for 12
by WitchCraftShawty September 29, 2020
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to take a black and mild cigar and remove the tobacco from it then replace the tobacco with weed, marijauna, sticky green etc. the cheap version of a blunt only it's less conspicuous and easier to hide in public when smoking. very common with the northeast ohio region, black population. bone thugs and harmony refer to this in their song first of tha month. eg freakin me black n mild headed cross town...
I'll be "freakin a black and mild" up in here to take wit me tonight to tha party while we chills fo real

"Yo dog, you got that blunt?" naaa man, I just freaked this black and mild though"
by slangdazzle January 9, 2010
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