Its when you do a girl on her back. When shes about to squirt, you stand up and squat over her and let her squirt you in the butt.
"She just bideted me in the butt"
by Ed M Rod February 1, 2008
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super duper deluxe commode enema
um...... it's French!!!! r0flaffl
by ~''~ March 17, 2005
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a person that seems attractive in clothes, but is ugly when naked.
"Oh my god, I slept with him and he is such a bidet."
by UKWildcat11 May 13, 2010
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<hygene> The process of washing one's ass in a public bathroom. May require an accomplice to hold the door closed and better if documented on video.
by D@nny April 19, 2007
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Little bum washing toilet you can't shit in
'Hang on Brenda, I've just had a right clingy shite, need to use the bidet'
by morvy January 22, 2010
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When you edge a woman until she can’t control herself any longer, then you jackhammer fart right up against her clit and make her squirt all over your dirty asshole to clean it up.
We ran out of toilet paper last night so Isabelle gave me the bidet in bed.
by darkraian December 30, 2022
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