noun: A Woman of any age who boldly wears a little skirt or short-shorts out of the house, but once in public she loses her nerve and then spends all night self-consciously yanking and tugging said skirt/shorts down so that less of her skin is exposed.

This includes the wearing but constantly adjusting of:
Low-rise jeans, low-cut V-necks, plunging-neckline tops, half-shirts, belly-shirts, bare-midriff tops, partially-exposed underwear, clingy-dresses, bathing suits, and any other garments that might be somewhat revealing or that tend to ride up.

Note: women should be sure they're comfortable before they leave the house in an outfit. Either you've got the looks and the confidence to pull it off, or you don't. But don't pull on it all night!
Check out that Blonde over there in that sexy mini-dress, she's so hot...Oh, but look at how she keeps pulling down on her dress,....Yup, she's a yanker. Too bad.
by goodcop8 November 10, 2007
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one of the many names for a penis.
Dude, he had one huge yanker
by candiekissez October 8, 2004
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Yanker is the word given to a Yankie who is quite a big wanker
i use to play an online RPG called Star Wars Galaxies, in this there were many cocky idiots, among them a character called Emrick , my last conversation with him is as follows.

Emrick: your such a dick, you brits dont know how to play games without cheating.

Me: cry more noob, learn to play and stop being butt hurt and complaining to me bcos i dont actually care.

Emrick: your gonna care when i come to your house and bat you.

Me: ok go for it, if you dare come ill pay for your return ticket to america and your hospital treatment, yanker.

---------------NO RESPONSE-----------------
by NASHIN October 26, 2009
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An American Wanker

A cross between Yank and Wanker, Yanker is the perfect way for a Brit to describe an irritating American who is a bit of a knob.
On meeting a hyped up Justin Bieber on sweeties.

"God, that guy is such a Yanker!"
by Yoho88 November 3, 2011
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n., 1.) Cultural agent provocateur; 2.) a secret agent; 3.) a cage rattler; 4.) a winder-upper; 5.) a troublemaker
Dude, don't believe half what that guy is saying to you. He's just a chain yanker, winding you up.
by kidjones February 17, 2010
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any guy who jerks off is a "crank yanker"
looking at a good Hustler magazine can make any guy a crank yanker!
by T. Wilson December 30, 2008
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A puppet show based on real life crank calls. It comes on Tuesday nights at 9:00 CST on Comedy Central.
My next door nieghbor taped every episode of Crank Yankers, even the one where the little girl says, 'Do you have 8 pound balls?'
by Shawn B. April 27, 2003
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