A city in South-Central Washington State. Like almost any city it has crime and it has some gang violence, keyword SOME...the whole town is not one slum like the other definition seems to describe in fact most of it is quite beautiful.

The only nicknames I've heard of Yakima would have to be "Yakima" and "The palm springs of Washington", never anything other than that but I would know if my own town had a new nickname
Also Yakima has a pretty damn good selection of radio stations if I do say myself, and no I've actually only heard maybe two or three hispanic stations.
And I've never seen an 'oldsmobile' or really any cars shittier than that in Yakima.
Friend: "What should we do this weekend"
Me: "Maybe travel to Yakima, get some sun, go swimming and hang out with the friendly people down their"
by Sniff Jazz April 13, 2011
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When a girl goes down on you while your dick is covered in dirt or sand.

When a girl goes down on you when she has really bad cotton mouth like a cat licking your balls
Man I spent all day at the beach and when I got home my girl gave me a yakima dustoff!
by armysparkchaser July 13, 2010
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This is the act of taking a steamy pile of shit onto your partners bare exposed feet. Thus, leaving their toes looking like Yakima, Washington.
Jose enjoys to pay harlots in cash to give him a Yakima Steamer, while he stands in his bathtub, so he doesn’t ruin the carpet in his parents basement.
by Djjazzyjinx January 26, 2020
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To pose as a Immigration Officer wannabe. Self described as "I.C.E.M.A.N." the enforcer of all immigration laws. Known locally as "PoonBoy."
Dude's Yakima Yak-off posin' like a big dog...
by boppa23 April 10, 2011
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A bondage move where the dominatrix repeatedly hits the males testicles with a snow-shovel.
"Dude, I totally got a Yakima Snow Shovel last night and my balls still hurt."
by ZenoTheOne March 2, 2019
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a woman that is stupid or infact doing something intierly ditsy...or plain retarded.
by Anonymous August 23, 2003
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A amazing black woman who has a stable job and is great at everything she tries. Yakima is the type of person to strict but nice. She also cusses but in a funny way and if she was a mother she would be great
Yo Yakima gave me 100 dollars
by SpiDrWil October 20, 2020
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