*Please read with heavy asain accent*
Little rickshaw that move alarmingly slow in Thailand through hot hot street.
"Please take off shoe before enter tut tut."
"Since everybody come late in tut tut, no one get clothes. I sowwy"
by Zhally (We Black) March 5, 2007
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Short for "Tutorial" especially on art forums, manga forums, etc.
"You got any tuts on how to draw eyes?"
by DanzaBarr November 26, 2006
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Alex: *carries on boring conversation*
Dylan: *sigh* Tut tut tut...
Alex: *angry faic*
by Ghangis24 June 1, 2009
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King Tut before he was King.
Hey look it is my best friend Tut. We should really limit his use of the time machine.
by BRICK NINJA February 20, 2019
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a style of dance made by poppers from the 80's
tut is in reference to "king tut", due to the styles nature of imitating pictures often depicted in hieroglyphics. Mr.Wiggles is noted for the use and teaching of this style.
b-boy 1 - Man that guy back there at the party was using some crazy moves i've never seen! it looked all egyptian style.
b-boy 2 - yeah man that style aint been used in years, its called tut.
by Jared Kennedy August 16, 2004
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short name for "tutorials" or articles which may contain videos or text which teach people different things.
an example of tuts would be a website that shows or teaches you different things: www.tutorial9.net
by vikramsince1993 June 29, 2010
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When a (usually large) woman's tits hang down to her gut.
She had to move her tuts to find her belly button.
by Caseydilla January 18, 2010
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