A popular social media website. Much like King Midas, Tumblr has the power to, rather than to turn everything it touches into gold, it turns it into the worst possible outcome. Tumblr is well known for the unintentional creation of Tumblr feminism, which is well credited for ruining the image of feminism.
Girl:"Hey I just got a tumblr"

Feminist on Tumblr: "Make sure to favorite my post about #endfathersday"
by Riley Freemen October 4, 2014
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A place where if you express your opinion, you either get praised or you get flooded with anon hate. Almost everyone has a gay ship(s). Beware of the superwholocks. (What is superwholock, you might be asking yourself. It is a combination of the shows Supernatural, Doctor Who, and BBC's Sherlock. God knows why it even exists.) Everyone has a fandom, no matter if it's large or small, well known or barely recognized. It doesn't really even matter what the fandom is for. You could have a fucking fandom for toenails and there is bound to be people to join.
A cis, straight white male: I'd like to make a tumblr account!


Guess what you fucking dumbasses
Some of your favorite actors are cis straight white males
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The deep dark hole in which you will lose your social life. Please leave, run, RUN AND NEVER COME BACK!
Tumblr user: omg these feels, shipSHISHIPPING, OTP OTP, asdfghjkl;.

Normal human being: The f*ck is this.
by om_nom? November 5, 2012
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A blogging website for the pseudo-intellectuals who love to be marginalised and victimised by society, that think reblogging nonsensical propaganda from the comfort of behind their computer screen will revolutionise the world we live in.

It is also used by people to post naked photos and videos of themselves on.
99% of Tumblr are self-proclaimed non-white fat gay disabled vegan transsexual atheist feminists, who blame their insecurities on anyone but themselves. The rest are horny girls.
by JizzySpunkbubbles July 9, 2014
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The most blessed but also the most cursed form of social media.
Person 1: Ayo, wanna go on to Tumblr.
Person 2: Nah mate, Tumblr is too cursed for me.
by nanyeeter42 March 26, 2020
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a place where you can post anything and no one will judge you for it.
" i killed a bitch today. "

post that on facebook and people will be chocked and shit, but tumblr ... tumblr's cool.
by FUCKYOUIMDOPE October 29, 2010
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A site for people who think they care special and part of some internet cult when in realty, they are losers. Tumblr is a great place for sad white girls to post black and white photos/gifs of them crying about how hard their middle class life is or them cutting themselves. It's a place for "hipsters" to think they are unique and underground and girls begging for attention. Although tumblr may seem accepting at first, they actually hate 80% of the human population. People on tumblr think they are special and artsy, but when they get into the real world, they are pathetic losers with no friends.
Girl 1: hey did u c that pic of my cuts on tumblr
Girl 2: yeah it was soooooo artsy
Girl 1: uugh yeah i kno my life is soooo hard omg lol ^_^
by iloveallthesedicksinmybutt February 6, 2014
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