Mathematical practice of pure and unfiltered fucking insanity. Either you'll go mad from not understanding or you'll go mad from understanding too much.
Amatuer mathematician: "Hmmm, today i shall research the relations between a triangle's sides and its angles!"
Amatuer mathematician, post trigonometry: "GOD IS IN THE ANGLES, GOD IS IN THE ANGLES (Sudden gutteral scream of mathematical agony)"
by Trigonometry-Love/hater March 23, 2022
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Triangles and shit that makes u wanna puke when see it
Teacher: Ok students, today we will be learning about trigonometry

Student: trigonometry my ass bitch
by My pseudonym6999 December 15, 2018
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An illuminati mandated course required to graduate high school.
Person 1: Hey, what subjects are you taking this year?
Person 2: Chemistry, US History, Trigonometry...
Person 1: Woah, illuminati confirmed
by DarkLight12357 March 25, 2017
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Torturous math for people obsessed with triangles. Also known as Trig, it is often taught along courses such as, Algebra 1&2, Geometry and many Calculus courses. Trig is also known to have rage-inducing actions, as frustration is fairly common. Boredom is easily reachable in math, but trig is extremely close to the top. I mean, how obsessed could you be with triangles! Anyway, Trig can cause confusion symptoms, and anger issues, dizziness, and lack of sleep. After a long day of school, it is easily washed off by video games or instruments, or something enjoyable. Make sure you keep pushing hard through these courses, and you may have a fulfilling life.
Person 1- "That kid is really into his trigonometry."
Person 2- "No, that's a book on his kind."
by TortuingMathExplaner March 17, 2019
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"Now, let's do some trigonometry. sine 30 is 0.5.............."
by jiexi December 9, 2003
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(n.) A set of mathematical rules that enable one to find the angles of a triangle from one other angle and the length of sides, or vice versa. Operates with the help of sine, cosine and tangent (which are actually ratios, but since kids nowdays have scientific calculators nobody cares), and is used in the real world for measuring the height of a structure without expensive equipment. See also cosine rule and pythagoras' threorum
Trigonometry was the highlight of my day....

Okay, what's the hypotenuse again? And we have the opposite aswell? So what do we use now? Sine, cosine, tangent?
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 12, 2004
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the act of measuring the length of your penis tip during a doggy style sex.
john: wow the tip of my penis is 5cm long
alex: how did u measure it?
john: i did trigonometry with chloe last night dumbass
by bsdtb March 5, 2017
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