A small town in the middle of Amador County. A town full of tweekers, alcoholics, and rednecks. It consists of 1 grocery store, 1 bank, 3 gas stations, and no stop lights. Pioneer is just a small hick town in the sticks. There's always something goin down in this nothin town.
99% of people when they hit a patch of ice and start sliding say "Oh shit". The other 1% are from Pioneer and they say "Hold my beer, watch this"
by BAMF33 June 1, 2013
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To have sex in multiple and exotic places while inventing new ways of doing it it many languages
1) Woa did you hear that TK and TT are PIONEERING in japanese on a kitchen table?
-Yea, that's so hot!

2)pioneering under a double rainbow "intense joy, coupled with extreme emotional shifts; an experience equal to an orgasm"
by amazingpioneer1 December 12, 2010
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To exclusively date virgins and then take their virginity shortly after. After taking the virginity the "Pioneer" will find new territory to discover.
Ex 1.
-"Dude I heard that Tony took another girl's virginity last night!"

-"I know, I heard. That dude is a master at Pioneering!"

Ex 2.
-"Some guy named Jeremy took my virginity last night, but when I woke up he was gone."

-"Ugh he sounds like such a Pioneer."
by JafeelForReal May 14, 2014
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A school in western new york. They have a decent girls basketball team, track team, and marching band but a lousy football team and baseball team. They are often refered to as the "hicks" or the "farmers" due to their incredibly rural location. They are also steriotypically a bit behind the learning curve (though do occasionally produce something successful)
Person 1: I went to Pioneer!
Person 2: Ha ha, farmer.
by your mom eats bubblewrap April 14, 2009
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1. The act of walking to a destination, but getting lost in the process.
2. The act of finding a new route while getting lost walking to a destination.
3. The act of ending up at a completely different destination altogether after giving up on finding the first destination.
While trying to find the restaurant, I ended up pioneering to Ikea-- and I found a new pizza place and a shortcut on the way!
by The Lost Girl June 19, 2010
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A school in western new york. They have a decent girls basketball team, track team, and marching band but a lousy football team and baseball team. They are often refered to as the "hicks" or the "farmers" due to their incredibly rural location. They are also steriotypically a bit behind the learning curve (though do occasionally produce something successful)
i went to pioneer!
by hello, mom! April 14, 2009
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The act of attaining a whole new level of fucked up. Generally used in reference to pot as most other substances can get your body into some serious harm. Party on ;)
Bobby: Gentlemen, tonight we pioneer a new level of high. Trailblaze on!

*throws an 1/8 on the table*

Group: Yeaaaaaaa!
by Big Mac McDickle January 9, 2012
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