1.Complete unaltered "awsomeness".
2.A state of complete relaxation and contentment.
3.Word used to describe an undescribable moment.
Dude i was bangin this hot chick last nite...it was complete danimation man, seriously.
by DMDFSRX February 14, 2007
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The name that fans of Danny Noriega use for their fan base
OMG OMG OMG!!! There's that spicy Danny Noriega. I am SUCH a danimal!!

Those crazy danimals!
by dannynoriegafan<3 March 16, 2008
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A large male/animal with the birth name of Daniel or Dan. The Danimal is very dangerous when it comes to the female species. It either attacks it's prey with a venomous sting to the behind, or waits until the female is weak and injured then makes it's move.

Female 1: OMG the Danimal is cuming RUN.
Female 2: OMG he's going to sting me.
by Jake Duyon February 14, 2007
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1. Verb: the process of a Danimal making hot sweet tender love to a lady friend named Edna.

2. Verb: to be treated t to PWNage in the realm of European History by the Danimal.

3. Verb: When someone falls in love with the Danimal and he rejects/accepts/doesn't-give=-a-clear-answer-but-agrees-to-being-given-fellatio.

3. Verb: the process of being Marxified.

4. Verb: the actions committed by the Danimal while the song "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye plays.

5. Verb: to be ravaged viciously and without mercy to the point of pleasure by the Danimal.

6. Verb : the Danimal's act of inflicting pleasure/drunkenness/shame/heartbreak/pregnancy onto an individual.

7. Adjective: the effect of the Danimal's mating call.
Hey, I'm really sorry Cassandra, but when you deal with the Danimal you should expect to get Danimalized....
by The Danimalizer April 1, 2011
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A term that fans of American Idol Season 7 contestant Danny Noriega use to call themselves.
All the Danimals should vote for Danny on the Idol poll!
by bea_xo March 12, 2008
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Danimal” means a girl whose legal name is Danielle, but introduces herself to friends as “Dani”. The “Danimal” comes out when “Dani” has too much to drink. AKA she will never make an appearance at a work function.
by titoatx June 28, 2011
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The HUGE fanbase of the intense purple sexy ninja pickle, Danny Noriega!
Fan: Ohmygod! It's Danny! (screams) Danny, I love your guts!!!

Danny: I love your guts more! I love all my Danimals' guts!

by SavannahRae April 27, 2008
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